Takis Theodoropoulos

Takis Theodoropoulos was born in Athens in 1954. He worked for many years as a journalist and was the original editor of the cultural periodical To Tetarto, published by Manos Chatzidakis. Since 1996, he has worked in publishing.
Of his novels, Inconceivable Landscape, The Fall of Narcissus, and Midday Madness, and his philosophical parody The Cats of Athens have been translated into several languages (French, Italian, Dutch, Serbian, Turkish and Bulgarian). In 1999, his novel The Power of the Dark God, won the prize of the Ouranis Foundation of the Academy of Athens. In 2004, the Académie Française awarded the author's complete works in French the Médaille de Vermeil du Rayonnement de la Langue et de la Littérature Françaises. The author lives in Athens.