Panagiotis N. Trembelas (Παναγιώτης Ν. Τρεμπέλας)

Panagiotes was born in 1886. He was a supporter of theÂÂ Brotherhood of Theologians ZoeÂÂ that endeavored to revitalize theÂÂ Church of GreeceÂÂ during the period of the early twentieth century when many parts of Greece were regaining their independence from theÂÂ Ottoman Turks. In 1960, he broke with the Zoe Brotherhood for its having deviated away from the principles originally outlined by its founder Fr. Eusebios and founded the Soter Brotherhood in 1963.
Prof. Trembelas is most remembered for the answer given by Fr.ÂÂ John S. RomanidesÂÂ after Prof. Trembelas directed Fr. Romamides to delete the citations to writings ofÂÂ Symeon the New TheologianÂÂ during Fr. Romamides' 1950s defense of his dissertation onÂÂ Ancestral SinÂÂ as Symeon had never received a theological degree. In his response, Fr. Romamides asked if he should also delete all his references toÂÂ Matthew,ÂÂ Mark,ÂÂ Luke, andÂÂ John, as they also never received a theological degree.
Doctor Trembelas reposed in 1977.