Nina George (Νίνα Γκεόργκε)

Born 1973 in Bielefeld, Germany, Nina George is a prize-winning and international bestselling author (“Das Lavendelzimmer” – “The Little Paris Bookshop”) and freelance journalist since 1992, who has published 28 books (novels, mysteries and non-fiction) as well as over hundred short stories and more than 600 columns. Nina George has worked as a reporter and columnist for a wide range of publications, including Hamburger Abendblatt, Die Welt, Die Zeit or Standard. Georges writes also under three pen-names, for example “Jean Bagnol”, a double-andronym for provence-based mystery novels.
In 2012 and 2013 she won the DeLiA and the Glauser-Prize. In 2013 she had her first bestselling book “Das Lavendelzimmer”, translated into 37 languages and sold more than 1,5 million copies.
In 2011, Nina George established the “JA zum Urheberrecht” (YES on Author’s Rights) initiative. 14 writers’ associations and 27 publishing partners have since joined the Initiative. In August 2014 George initiated the Amazon-protest in GermanyÂÂ, where overs 2000 germanspeaking authors – Nobelprizewinnig Elfriede Jelinek or Bestsellingauthor Nele Neuhaus – sign an open letter to Jeff Bezos and Amazon, protesting against the banned-book-methods of the giant retailer in the Hachette/Bonnier-dispute. In 2015 George founded the Initiative Fairer Buchmarkt e.V., 2016 she initiated the Netzwerk Autorenrechte (Network Authorsrights), representing today 10.000 writers and translators of 14 member-associations.
Nina George is the deputy of the President of the Three Seas Writers’ and Translaters’ Council (TSWTC). From 2015-2019 she served on the board of German PEN, from 2017-2019 also in the board of the German Writers’ Union VS. George sits also on the administrative board of Collecting Society VG Wort and is chair of the working group E-Book.
In June 2019 Nina George was elected as President of the European Writers’ Council.
Nina George is Member to PEN Germany and the PEN International Writers’ Circle, Das Syndikat, the Writers’ Union of Germany (VS), the Hamburg Authors’ Association (HAV), BücherFrauen (Women in Publishing), the IACW/AIEP (International Association of Crime Writers) and the GEDOK (Association of female artists in Germany).
She lives in Berlin and the Bretagne.