George C. Blytas

George Blytas grew up in Cairo, Egypt, where he graduated from the Greek gymnasium while the Civil War was raging in Greece. He first pursued a career in music and was instrumental in establishing a branch of the National Conservatory of Greece in Cairo. Political events in Cairo and in the Middle East prompted a change in his career, and in 1956 he joined the graduate school at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he obtained his doctorate in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering in 1961. In the same year Dr. Blytas joined the research department of a major oil company for a distinguished 39-year career in California, the Netherlands and Texas. Throughout these years the author has been active in Hellenic affairs and in music.
The author, his wife Cora Ann, and their children Constantine and Christina enjoy their summer vacations in his parents' village, Sitaria, in Epirus. Sitaria is located on the battleground on which the Hellenic Army fought the first victorious battles against the Axis during the Second World War.