Dionysios S. Kotsonis
Dionysis S. Kotsonis was born in 1930 at the city of Pyrgos, prefecture Ileias in Greece. He graduated from Athens College and continued his studies in the U.S.A.—Bowdoin College BA, Columbia University PhD. He began his academic career in the state of New York, teaching economics at Hobart and William Smith Colleges (19571961) and continued teaching in the U.S.A. until the end of his career—Brooklyn College and Hunter College—as well as at Greek universities — University of Economics in Piraeus, ALBA and University of Economics in Athens. He continued as research economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and during the Kennedy Presidency he served in Washington as consultant in the Bernstein Committee for the balance of payments of the U.S.A. He continued his career in Wall Street as an international banker and in 1968 he returned to Greece, first as chief executive officer of the Andreadi Investments Bank, continuing as director of economics at the “Skalistiris” Business Group and then at the “Titan” Group. At the end of the decade of the 80s he formulatedÂÂ the concept and participated in the subsequent creation of the Euro-
investments Bank, which was renamed Eurobank of the Latsi Group. He ended his career with something completely new for himself—manager in the shipping business.