Archpriest Josiah B. Trenham

Archpriest Josiah B. Trenham is pastor of St. Andrew Orthodox Christian Church in Riverside, California. A former clergyman of the Presbyterian and Reformed Episcopal Churches, in 1993 he was received into the Orthodox Church and ordained to the holy priesthood by Bishop Basil of Wichita and Mid-America. In 2004 he received his Ph.D. in theology from the University of Durham, England, where he studied under the renowned Orthodox Christian professor of Patristics Fr. Andrew Louth. Since 2004, Fr. Josiah has served as Adjunct Professor of History at California Baptist University in Riverside. He participates in yearly academic forums and symposia, conducts numerous parish retreats each year throughout the United States and Canada, and is the founder of Patristic Nectar Publications. He and his presbytera, Catherine, were married in 1988, and from their happy union have been born nine children.